The MuziColine project marks a foray into the world of art directly from the heart of Transylvania, highlighting the commune of Biertan in Sibiu county on the map of cultural routes in Romania and Europe. For one year, starting in April, the commune of Biertan (Copșa Mare, Biertan and Richiș) becomes a cultural pole, attracting cultural tourism lovers with its numerous cultural-recreational activities that enliven the local landscape.
MuziColine brings art closer to the local Transylvanian community, offering a wide and diverse programme of activities for all ages, from young to old. Through this project, a wide range of artistic fields is covered, so that both locals and tourists can find activities that will capture their interest.
Address: Richiș Cultural Home, Copșa Mare 122, Biertan Cultural Home, Richiș Fortified Church
Organized by: Association “Union of Interpretive Creation of Musicians from Romania”
Date: April – June
Type of event: Cultural event
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