Starting point: from Gura Haitii bus stop follow the indicators to the starting point of the trail
Type: linear route
Duration: about 6 hours (4 hours up and 2 hours down)
Languages: Romanian and English
Guided tours: Călimani National Park Administration
Condition of trail: good
The 12 Apostles Interpretation Trail, part of the Țara Dornelor ecotourism destination, begins from the Gura Haitii bus stop, Șaru Dornei commune. You will find indicators up until the starting point of the trail.
The 12 Apostles Interpretation Trail reveals to the traveller the relationship between the locals and nature, the genesis of the Călimani Mountains and the mysterious antropomorphic rocks: Moșul (the Old Man), Mareșalul (the Marshall), Gușterul (the Lizard) or Mucenicul (the Martyr). This trail is spectacular in summer, as well as in winter!
Discover more recommended activities, guesthouses and events part of Țara Dornelor ecotourism destination.